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Save on your EV charger installation with AmpUp. Explore state-specific rebates, federal tax credits, and grants for EV charging stations. From funding programs to application support, AmpUp makes accessing EV charger incentives easy.
Please note that program details and availability are subject to change. For information on the most up-to-date rebates and incentives in your area, please contact us.
The Alabama Department of Transportation is authorized to administer the Electric Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program to distribute grants for EV charging infrastructure expansion. (Reference )
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) offers grants for light-duty EV chargers and the replacement of qualified medium- and heavy-duty diesel vehicles with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles. Grants are available for EV chargers; medium- and heavy-duty trucks; scho...
The Alabama Department of Economics and Community Affairs (ADECA) administers the EV Charging Infrastructure Program. Government and non-government entities are eligible to receive funding for the installation of publicly accessible direct current (DC) fast chargers and Level 2 EV chargers along ...
Offers $500 toward select commercial EV chargers, helping businesses expand charging solutions.
Provides up to $1,000 for commercial Level 2 chargers (max two per account), encouraging more EV infrastructure in Alaska.
Workplace rebates up to $4,000/port, higher for multifamily residential and disadvantaged areas, plus up to $40k for DC fast.
Up to $2,500 per networked Level 2 port for most businesses, and $4,000 for schools, nonprofits, or government sites.
The governor established the Arkansas Council on Future Mobility (Council) to support advanced mobility technology, including EVs and AVs. The Council must identify state laws that are prohibitive to EVs and AVs and provide recommendations on policies and incentives to promote their advancement. ...
Rebates up to 90% (government) or 70% (public sites) of costs, and 50% for workplaces or multifamily residential. Covers Level 2 equipment and installation.
Includes incentives for commercial Level 2 chargers and up to $1,500 for DC fast chargers, supporting businesses shifting to EV infrastructure.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) administers the Clean Transportation Program (Program) to provide financial incentives for businesses, vehicle and technology manufacturers, workforce training partners, fleet owners, consumers, and academic institutions with the goal of developing and deplo...
All California state agencies must support and facilitate the rapid commercialization of ZEVs in California. In particular, the Air Resources Board, the California Energy Commission (CEC), the Public Utilities Commission, and other relevant state agencies must work with the private sector to esta...
California joined Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont in signing a (MOU) to support the deployment of ZEVs through involvement in a ZEV Program Implementation Task Force (Task Force). In May 2014, the Task Force published a (Plan)...
The California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP), funded by the California Energy Commission, provides guidance and funding for property owners to develop and implement EV charger incentive programs that help meet regional needs for Level 2 and direct current (DC) fast chargers. L...
Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) offers grants for the installation of public EV chargers, up to 70% of the total costs of infrastructure, equipment, and installation of eligible projects. Preferred project sites include retail centers, multifamily housing, workplaces, hos...
The California Energy Commission (CEC) in collaboration with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) developed .pdf) for EV chargers purchased through a state incentive program or rate payer charges. For these standards, EV chargers must meet a 97% uptime requirement and share real-time...
The Golden State Priority Project, funded by the California Energy Commission as part of the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP), offers rebates for the purchase and installation of direct current (DC) fast chargers. Rebates will fund 50% of project costs, up to the follo...
The California Energy Commission (CEC) Clean Transportation Program provides grants to light-duty local government and tribal government fleets for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of Level 2 and direct current (DC) fast chargers. Applicants may receive up to \$12,500 per Level 2 port ...
The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (EDC AQMD) offers rebates of up to \$300 to residents for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charger. For more information, including eligibility requirements, see the EDC AQMD website.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) offers grants to projects that address VGI knowledge gaps; high costs of vehicle to everything or bidirectional charging equipment, as compared to unidirectional charging; and the lack of access to cost-effective, accurate, and flexible submetering solutions...
The California Energy Commission (CEC) offers grants through the for the installation of Level 2 EV chargers at MFH units. Eligible applicants include all public and private entities. Investor-owned utilities are not eligible. Projects must install a minimum of 120 charging ports. A minimum of 5...
Provides rebates for installing EV charging stations at businesses and multifamily properties in Burbank.
Offers incentives for installing EV charging infrastructure across California, encouraging broad EV adoption.
A CALeVIP sub-project focused on underserved and disadvantaged regions within California, promoting equitable access to charging stations.
MCE provides rebates through its MCEv program for installing EV charging stations.
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